The BCSTubemill Module I is a
spreadsheet application that is based on a series of
individual roll masters. There are separate programs for
each roll profile used within the system. For example,
there are programs for "W"shaped forming rolls,
modified edgeform rolls, centerline forming rolls, single
radius fin pass, 2 radius fin pass, squaring rolls, etc.
The operator creates a mill set up by inserting the roll
masters in the order they are to be used in the tubemill.
The operator then enters design criteria to develope the
progressive flower and sizing reduction progression. This
design can be generic in nature so the mill set up
developed can be utilized for most any given tube size run
on the selected tubemill. Once a mill set up is created
for a particular mill, the operator simply changes the
tube size, gag and
any other product variables and re-processes the program.
The system produces all displays as
DXFCADfiles which can be imported into any external
CADsystem. You can select either English or Metric
Input/Output formats. The tubemill system is usually
customized to generate the drawings similar to your
current drawing style. The system includes over 30 master
roll programs and several mill set ups to use as samples.
Reshaping squares and rectangles is included in the system
and special re-shaping profiles can be added.